StanbyMe or Stand Away? Our Review of the Viral LG StanbyME TV

December 1, 2023

Ever wonder if a product you see everywhere online lives up to the hype? The Collab has you covered! Our team bought the popular rolling TV seen all over Instagram, brought it to a conference, and then further tested it out in our office. Here’s what we think. 

Rating: 4.5 / 5

The StandbyME tv screen in the L Street Chicago office.

  1. Immersive Display Quality
    The viral TV screen boasts an awe-inspiring display that brings visuals to life with vibrant colors and crystal-clear resolution. Our display was eye-catching in the event hall, allowing us to showcase our materials and draw people in. 
  2. Slim & Sleek Design
    A true showstopper in terms of design. Its ultra-slim profile and minimalistic (and rolling!) stand make it a seamless addition to any room or event booth. The sleek design not only modernizes your typical monitor set-up but also makes it very easy to maneuver. 
  3. Smart Features Galore
    This TV is not just a display; it's like an iPad on wheels. With a user-friendly interface, it seamlessly accesses the internet, apps, and any files you may want to show. The touch screen capabilities add an extra layer of convenience to the overall user experience.
  4. Impressive Sound Quality
    Don't be fooled by the slim design—this TV delivers robust audio. The sound quality is clear and easy to adjust making it a great option if you are running demos or playing a sizzle reel. 

  1. Premium Price Tag
    The StanbyME TV, with all its features and cutting-edge technology, comes with a hefty price tag. With an investment like this, evaluate how often it will actually be used. The Collab team takes the screen to events, but we also use it in our office for design review, brainstorming sessions, and remote meetings. 
  2. Disassemble
    For as easy as the assembly was, if you plan to ship it or take it to future locations in smaller pieces, good luck! This screen is best to stay in one location, but if you need to take it with you, we learned and would recommend that you have a screwdriver on hand (Phillips for the screws and a flat head to pop open the back clip).
  3. Eco-Mode
    Although this is a positive in most places, it is something to be aware of if you are playing a video on repeat at an event. The screen comes with Eco-mode automatically “on” therefore it will go to sleep after some time. It is an easy fix though! Just be aware that if you need the screen running longer, you will need to manually turn off Eco-mode. 

Overall, the viral StanbyME TV screen stands out as a remarkable addition to L Street’s office space and event booth package. Its stunning display, smart features, and sleek design make it a top contender for those who are willing to invest in a versatile and impressive screen.

L Street Collaborative trade show booth using the StandbyME tv screen to display a video.
overhead view of Chicago at night with streetlights lit up in orange

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