Quality vs. Quantity: The Never Ending Content Debate

October 2, 2020

If you’ve seen the Social Dilemma, Netflix’s latest, sensational documentary, then you know that humans—and marketers—often juggle the pros and cons of our very own social dilemma. Do we create content to feed the algorithm? Or feed the soul? One drives volume, the other drives impact. Neither is inherently bad, but their results could take on very different shapes of their own. 

The Case for Quantity

This is the inundation of content. As technology continues to evolve, it becomes increasingly easier to produce more content, at equal to lesser rates. Coupled with shortened attention spans, we must feed the algorithm to continue the capture of shares of the conversation. Thus, our content production cycles must be positioned for high-volume output. 

Additionally, the “why quantity?” questions can also be positioned for search engines. Search engines reward websites for frequent activity. Because of an algorithm, you’re considered relevant and worthy of being shown to a potential prospect.

The Case for Quality Content

Ever heard the phrase ‘make it sticky’? Quality is about impact. Thus, it takes more time to really think, and research what will make your prospect take action. In contrast to quantity, the objective here is to produce the same outcome in as few assets as possible. 

A production team will spend more time in pre-production making sure the asset in development will produce results. This is not to be confused with the fast-turnaround in post-production.

Finding the right approach for B2B

They key questions you should ask when thinking about quantity vs quality content: 

  1. What’s your budget? How much do you want to invest in content development?
  2. What’s your ideal outcome? Sometimes this might influence the budget or help identify how to best invest the money to put you on the right path.

The Collab can help your business as you weigh quantity vs quality content. Reach out to us today!

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